Know Yourself - And Design Your Business
Do you really know yourself - and what YOU want YOUR business to look like?
Forget about what you’ve read in the news, what other entrepreneurs have told you, and what you think is expected. Erase it all and let’s start from a blank page. Building a small business starts with you and with you knowing yourself.
You answering questions like:
- What is really important to me both in work and in life?
- Why do you want to start a business or what made you want to start a business?
- What do you want your days to look like?
- What does success look like for me?
I’ll argue that if you don’t regularly take the time to really get to know yourself before starting your business as well as while running your business you risk ending up building something that you can’t see yourself in anymore, get burned out, or makes you unhappy. Which, let me guess, is not one of the reasons you are a business owner or want to become one.
Knowing yourself is like building an internal compass
Most people I meet choose to start a business because they dream of doing something different or differently.
For some, it might be to disrupt an industry and create a big company over time. For others, it might be to create a different working life that provides more freedom and flexibility and integrates well with their life.
Whatever the reason it all starts with getting clear on what matters to you. The better you know yourself the stronger of an internal compass you’ll be creating. A compass that will direct your journey and influence every business decision you ever make.
There are no right or wrong answers. And although you might have been led to believe that there are better answers than others I highly disagree. The best answer - and business - is the one that feels right for you.
Personal choices that are influencing my business
Personally, I’m not interested in employing people because to me that is associated with additional risk and responsibility which I believe would limit my freedom and flexibility. Therefore it would be wrong for me to start building a big team around me.
I prefer working with a few people and have a closer relationship with my customers because that way I’m able to show up in a different way that works better for me.
Also, having the ability to go for a hike during a typical working day is necessary since I know it brings me energy and allows me to reflect and process ideas.
All these preferences are choices and they come with a price but for me, that is a price worth paying. However, for some this will sound like pure madness which is okay. I’m building a business that works for me and you are building one that works for you.
What you want is a valid and okay
Regardless of what you believe is right is okay and I believe that if you are being intentional and understand yourself then you have the ability to design the business and life of your dreams rather than leaving it up to chance.
Knowing yourself will influence how you communicate with customers, what products and/or services you offer, your financial goals, how you market yourself, how much you work, etc. Basically, it’ll influence just about anything on your journey.
Don’t let other people determine your path or what you should be doing rather design your journey and embrace the walk.